

Information pursuant to Art. 13 of EU Regulation 2016/679
Pursuant to Art. 13 of EU Regulation 679/2016 "on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data" (hereinafter referred to as "GDPR"), we inform you that the personal data that you will provide to our Company will be subject - in compliance with the above-mentioned regulations and in accordance with the confidentiality obligations that inspire the activity of our Association - to the processing referred to in Article 4, paragraph I, no. 2 (hereinafter referred to as "Processing"), of GDPR. In particular, we wish to inform you of the following:

Data Controller
The Data Controller is Negotium Mundi (hereinafter also referred to as the "Data Controller" or the "Association"), Registered Office in Via del Babuino, n. 107, 00187 - Rome.

Purposes of Data Processing
The data provided by you will be processed for the following purposes:

- to fulfill your specific requests (i.e. a request for commercial information regarding our website and the related services offered;
- to comply with the obligations prescribed by laws, regulations, national and EU legislation, civil and fiscal rules to which the Company is subject.

Legal basis of the Treatment
The Company processes your personal data lawfully, where the Processing:
- is necessary for the execution of a contract to which you are a party or for the execution of pre-contractual measures adopted on request;
- is necessary to fulfil a legal obligation incumbent on the Company;
- is based on the efficient and legitimate management of the activity as long as such interests do not prevail over the interests of the data subject.

Scope of communication and dissemination of data
Your data may be communicated to:
- all subjects to whom the right of access to such data is recognized by regulatory measures;
- to our collaborators and employees, authorized of such processing within the scope of their duties;
- to all those natural and/or legal persons, public and/or private when the communication is necessary or functional to the performance of our activity, in the manner and for the purposes described above.

Processing Methods 
Personal Data is processed by electronic and automated means for the time strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which they were collected.
Specific security measures are observed to prevent the loss of data, unlawful or incorrect use, and unauthorized access. The Association, pursuant to Article 32 of the General Regulations on Data Protection 2016/679 (so-called GDPR), has adopted all the necessary security measures to ensure the protection of personal data subject to processing, limiting the risks related to confidentiality, availability, and integrity of personal data collected and processed.

Source from which the personal data originates
The processing of personal data in the Company's possession is carried out by recording the data provided by you, as a data subject, or from sources accessible to the public.

Nature of personal data
Your personal data necessary for the provision of the information and/or the service you have requested will be processed.

Rights of the interested party
The parties to whom the personal data refer may at any time exercise their rights under current legislation (Articles 15 to 22 of the GDPR), including the right of access, the right to rectification, the right to cancellation, the right to limitation of processing, the right to be notified in the event of rectification or deletion of their personal data, the right to data portability, the right to object and the right not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing, including profiling.

Revocation of consent to the processing
You have the right to withdraw your consent to the processing of your personal data by contacting the Data Controller at the following address PEC: () or at the following e-mail address or at the address of our registered office in Via del Babuino, n. 107, 00187 - Rome.


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